Tag: News

Concord’s disastrous launch reportedly leads to its director’s self-demotion

Concord’s disastrous launch reportedly leads to its director’s self-demotionConcord’s disastrous launch reportedly leads to its director’s self-demotion

The ripples from Concord’s seismic implosion are still fanning out since Sony decided to take the game offline earlier this month. Now, the game’s director has reportedly decided to bow [...]

Microsoft 365 Copilot users can collaborate with AI and each other in BizChat Pages

Microsoft 365 Copilot users can collaborate with AI and each other in BizChat PagesMicrosoft 365 Copilot users can collaborate with AI and each other in BizChat Pages

While it’s unclear if mainstream PC users are actually using Microsoft’s Copilot AI, the company claims that businesses using MS 365 Copilot are seeing plenty of benefits. According to a [...]