After Lying to Our Faces for Years, ABC News Swears They Didn’t Help Kamala Harris With Debate Questions

After Lying to Our Faces for Years, ABC News Swears They Didn’t Help Kamala Harris With Debate Questions

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You’ll have to forgive us for not believing a word ABC News says.

Seriously. If they told us the sky is blue, we’d go outside to check for ourselves.

Yesterday, we told you about a report that a whistleblower is going to come forward with info proving ABC News gave the Kamala Harris campaign the debate questions in advance, along with assurances they’d only fact-check Donald Trump.

And earlier today, we told you about how violent crime is, in fact, up from 2020 despite David Muir’s insistence it’s not (insistence that was meant to help Kamala Harris).

So why should we trust ABC News when the tell us they didn’t give Kamala the debate questions in advance? On what grounds should we trust them?

Remember that CNN gave Hillary Clinton the debate questions in advance. Why not Kamala?

More from The New York Post:

ABC has denied Vice President Kamala Harris was given advance notice of questions ahead of her debate showdown with former President Donald Trump.

“Absolutely not,” an ABC News spokesperson said in a statement to The Daily Beast.

“Harris was not given any questions before the debate.”

None of Harris’ aides were in contact with debate moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, ahead of Tuesday night’s face-off in Philadelphia either, the network added.

We don’t believe them. They’ve given us no reason to.

Nope. Not at all.


After Lying to Our Faces for Years, ABC News Swears They Didn’t Help Kamala Harris With Debate Questions

Which is fundamentally no different.

We remember.

They investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing.

Amazing how that works out, no?

Methinks the network doth protest too much.

Love how they’re trying to pin this on Trump.

So eight years from now David Muir will admit this, too.

Don’t forget who they really are.

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